Tips to ensure your safety on Social Networks.

It is nothing new that the Internet is a field of cultivation for the traffic of data and information that, on many occasions, you would prefer to remain private. Not everyone is aware of the importance of ensuring security on Social Networks.
Nor the consequences of ignoring the advice aimed at enhancing this security. A fact that acquires greater relevance with the massive use that the young population makes of these tools.
And even more so when these applications seem so harmless that it makes us think that it is not necessary to take into account our security in Social Networks. However, it is not only the data we have to protect. We must also be careful with all the content we share, even with contacts we trust.
If the content is private, stop and think about sharing it
A fairly common fact in the digital world is to share everything without ton or son. Serious mistake. With it you are unprotecting your security in the Social Networks.
What’s more, you’re putting your personal data on a silver platter for anyone who wants to take advantage of it. We refer to home, phone number … Even more intimate information such as family, couple, etc.. All of this can be deducted from the photos you publish.
It is clear that each person has a different conception of what is private and what is not. But each one also gives a different interpretation to what they receive. To avoid misunderstandings or controversies, it is better not to publish it.
In the process, you also increase your security on Social Networks. A practice that will help us understand what to publish and in what context is to review your publications from time to time. This will also help you to know how to boost your personal brand on Social Networks.
Beware of contacts with which you share content
This is another risk to your security on Social Networks. Especially in those networks where you publish more personal content. A clear example is Facebook versus LinkedIn, focused on professional and work content. To avoid misunderstandings and to avoid risking your security on Social Networks, you must adapt to each of them and publish according to what it is.
That is to say, just as Networks such as Facebook and Twitter lend themselves to sharing more idle and playful content, others, such as LinkedIn focus on publishing job profiles, job offers, potential candidates and customers … It would not be appropriate for you to publish a photo of your holiday on the beach on this professional platform.
Pay attention to the device you use
With the revolution of Smartphones, they have become the main support from which we access the network. Using the applications it incorporates, we leave an infinite number of fingerprints in the form of data. In other words, whether filling out forms, giving it “I like it” on Facebook, retuiting or sharing some publication…
The system collects information such as your location, the time you perform those actions… Whether with images, audios or messages, we provide our geolocation data that place us in a specific place. Although the purpose of this is to improve our user experience, to ensure security on Social Networks it is prudent to review the privacy settings.

Bearing this in mind… Now what?
If you don’t want Social Networking security to be a concern for you, watch out for these tips:
Use secure passwords
- Do not use proper or fictitious names. Do not use dates of birth, DNI, license plates…
- Create passwords that are unique to each site. On the Internet there are multiple tools that will help you manage them.
- It mixes different characters, interspersing them with upper and lower case.
- Change your passwords frequently.
- Obviously…don’t tell it to anyone.
Don’t accept friend requests from strangers.
Although it is tempting to accept without any criteria everyone who wants to be your friend, this can be detrimental to security on Social Networks. Share information only with those contacts you know.
Trust more sites that use https
Why is that? I don’t know. Because there are many “micro-hackers”, or small thieves, who “listen” to everything published on the net. They are a big threat to security on Social Networks, as they steal passwords, so watch out! Unlike http://, htpps:// travels encrypted, so it prevents these ladrozuenlos from threatening your security on Social Networks.
Use caution when using a shared computer.
You don’t know who can access it. Some useful tips are to log out or not remember passwords on the server. Don’t forget to limit information about your family or loved ones.
That is to say, avoid showing photos of your children or any minor in your family if it is not strictly necessary. Think also that it is not necessary to fill your board with photos of your partner. Separate well the public facet of the private and intimate.
Use tools to manage security.
Surely, more than once, Facebook has asked you for permission to obtain your profile data. It’s all or nothing, because you can’t choose not to show. However, tools like FBSecure (link to the tool) make it possible for you to choose what function you want the application to perform. One more measure that will increase security on Social Networks.
Keep your antivirus updated.
Although it seems obvious, most of the time we forget to update them. This can take a toll and play a trick on us. Don’t put your social network security at risk! It will take you five minutes!
Watch what you publish.
And more so in these holiday seasons. Don’t give thieves information about whether your house is empty, for how long…
Correctly configure your privacy preferences.
Don’t play around with security on Social Networks. In each of them, go to the privacy section and update it according to your preferences.
Control how kids use the computer.
The main thing is that you teach your child how to use social networks safely from a young age. To do this, help your child to use the net, discuss the risks involved in certain online behaviors, establish rules of use and clear schedules.
With all these guidelines your security in Social Networks will be much more insurmountable and you will be able to enjoy your navigation without worries. What are you waiting for? Apply these tips and tell us how it is!