CBD for pain

Perhaps the most common use of CBD is for pain relief. Pain affects all of us at some point in our lives, and it is comforting to know that there is a natural remedy that can help. This natural alternative is especially important for those who suffer from chronic pain or any pain that tends to drag on over time. CBD for pain has been used as a therapy for years.
In the United States, more than 3 million people are affected by chronic pain every year, and the worst part is that there is no cure. But at least there are palliative treatments. The funny thing is that the most commonly used medical treatments in the U.S. are steroids, nerve suppressants and opioids (narcotics), many of them with the risk of addiction and side effects. Even over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and aspirin can be dangerous when used too often.
But what about CBD – does it really relieve pain, and how does it work? The truth is that it can help. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, CBD is a good choice to help relieve pain symptoms. The studies that have been done on CBD and pain relief are promising.
CBD is a great alternative for people who suffer from chronic pain and rely on more dangerous medications that can lead to addictions. It is important to know that CBD is very different from most painkillers prescribed by doctors as it is non-toxic, non-addictive and its side effects are almost non-existent.
Overview of CBD for pain
Pain can be defined as an unpleasant and uncomfortable sensory experience. It is thought of as a system that warns that something is wrong with the body. It can be felt in the form of tingling, prickling, burning, numbness or sharp pain, and can limit productivity and negatively affect a person’s well-being. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, a person’s risk of experiencing pain, their sensitivity to painful stimuli, and the effectiveness of therapies to alleviate discomfort can be influenced by genetics.
Pain can be classified as acute or chronic. The former is usually the result of injury, inflammation or disease. Chronic pain is discomfort that is associated with a chronic disease, and may persist for long periods of time and be resistant to many medical treatments.

A diagnosis of chronic pain can be devastating. For those of us who don’t suffer from chronic pain, it’s hard to imagine what those who do suffer from it go through. Chronic pain is usually associated with some type of trauma. Imagine the worst pain you have ever felt and then try to imagine what it is like to suffer through it day after day for months or even years.
Although doctors have resources to help treat pain, chronic pain is often resistant to any quick fix. Therapies for this pain are usually surgery, physical therapy and painkillers. Because these are cheap and easily accessible opioid narcotics, this has been a widespread option. But more and more people are seeking natural alternatives such as CBD for pain.
Pain can be classified as neuropathic, nociceptive or psychogenic. Neuropathic pain is attributed to changes in the nervous system that maintain the sensation of pain even after an injury has healed.
Nociceptive pain, on the other hand, occurs due to the continued activation of pain receptors in deep tissue or on the surface of the body, and is often associated with inflammation. Fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis are examples of conditions that can cause nociceptive pain. Finally, psychogenic pain occurs due to psychological disturbances that cause depression and anxiety.
How and why CBD could help treat pain
Humans, as well as many animals, have a biological system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system consists of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body, including the spinal cord, immune system, and brain. The SEC helps regulate several important bodily functions such as immune response, pain and sleep. Therefore, CBD for pain can be a natural and effective treatment solution.
CBD acts indirectly on SEC receptors and achieves different results. For example, CBD prevents the body from absorbing anandamide, a compound that is associated with pain regulation. This is how CBD can reduce the pain someone feels, as well as reduce inflammation, which is the underlying cause of various medical problems.
SEC plays an important role in the body’s homeostasis. When specific processes are out of balance, disease can occur. This can be the reason for pain. If we are able to bring the body back into balance, symptoms such as pain can be alleviated. As we have already discussed, receptors are found throughout the body on the surface of cells, and endocannabinoids interact with and activate the receptors. CBD is able to mimic the activity of endocannabinoids that occur naturally in the body to induce similar effects, such as pain relief.
When THC is consumed, this substance causes users to suffer psychoactive effects because it is a cannabinoid that binds to CB1 receptors in the brain. CBD, however, does not bind directly to the receptors, but interacts indirectly with CB2 receptors found in the immune system, although they may also be present in other parts of the body.
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